Saturday, March 1, 2008

BricktopUS No Longer

Well, although I have been to Oklahoma City twice in the last three weeks, I haven't made it down to the casino yet. I will definitely have to make that a priority on my next trip and report back on the action.

I did, however, get online a few days after my 4th place finish in the $24K guarantee and took 8th place in the $14,500 guarantee 6 handed Hold 'Em tourney. That made for back-to-back top ten finishes in MTT play. Hooray!

After that last cash, I decided to withdraw some funds out of my Full Tilt account. I went through their silly verification process and then just as the check was supposed to be mailed, they decided to close my BricktopUS account. A while ago, I had created a second account for a friend of mine to use and that is apparently against Full Tilt policy (although I never played on the second account.) The frustrating thing was that Full Tilt didn't seem to have any interest what-so-ever in dealing with the two account situation UNTIL I tried to withdraw money from my BricktopUS account. Then they decided that they needed to shut down the Bricktop account and make my other account the primary account. They moved all of my funds from Bricktop to my new account, but now I have to go through their stupid verification process again in order to withdraw money from the account. I have heard other people complain that they have had trouble getting money OUT of Full Tilt. I really hope that this isn't a bad sign. If any of you out there have any experience in withdrawing funds from Full Tilt, good or bad, drop me a line and let me know. I'm curious to see if these sorts of delays are normal.

So the other downside to this operation is that I can no longer continue to improve my ranking on the Bricktop account. With my recent MTT finishes, I had worked my way up to the top 99% of Full Tilt players on Now I'll have to start all over with my other account. Oh well. At least I'll be a wolf in sheep's clothing for a while. For those who are interested, my new screen name is kartenkatze. I haven't played any MTTs on there as of yet, but hopefully I'll find time here in the next week or so.

Meanwhile, I just recently got back from a great ski trip to Tahoe. I was up there for four days and the whole trip was almost charmed. The weather was absolutely perfect...sunny and crisp, the snow held up fabulously and made for almost ideal conditions, and the company was wonderful. I had a really great time and have arrived back in Vegas refreshed and ready to conquer the world. I'll post a photo of me on the slopes.

Until next time...don't forget to take time away from the tables to enjoy all that this beautiful planet has to offer!

1 comment:

Devo said...

Always have had smooth w/d from ftp.

I didn't even have to verify. Nice when people know who you are :) (thinly veiled brag)